About Loksand

The best solution for stabilisation, shaping, errosion control and improved wear tolerance 

Loksand is a revolutionary product that utilises a crimped fibre to stop compression in the sand/soil profile. Limiting compression of the soil profile ensures that the plant’s root system always has space and is not damaged by compaction. Loksand can be used in conjunction with native sands, with no need for repeat applications, and does not compromise the architect’s vision while allowing for a biophilic design.

Loksand compaction ability

Straight sand with 2 tonne vehicle

25mm compaction when vehicle drove over uncompacted Loksand

55mm compaction after vehicle passed over uncompacted straight sand.


Loksand with 2 tonne vehicle

Loksand Benefits

Low Maintenance

Loksand-based courses require less maintenance than those with traditional soil-based surfaces. The need for frequent aeration and topdressing is reduced, resulting in cost savings and less disruption to play.

Design Flexibility

Loksand-based golf courses offer more design flexibility in terms of shaping and contouring the landscape. Architects can create a wider variety of features, including elevation changes, mounding, and natural-looking hazards.

Turf Health

The crimped fibres of Loksand provide plant roots with a supportive framework for growth.


Loksand has excellent drainage properties, making it ideal for areas that receive heavy rainfall or have poor natural drainage. Sand-based golf courses can minimize waterlogging and maintain playability during wet conditions.

Reduced Turf Damage

By reducing the risk of extensive turf damage and negating the necessity for concreted or paved areas, Loksand offers an environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing alternative for landscaping applications.

Soil Stability

Loksand achieves homogeneity when blended with sand, resulting in heightened stability and strength, thereby facilitating secure foundations and mitigating erosion from wind and rain.